Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Welcome to the first installment of The Film Enthusiast. I wanted to create a blog that is for people who love movies and also love discussing them. You might wonder why I didn't create a blog that relates to music. The reason is that I am too close to it. The fact that I teach music for a living and have been playing it for over twenty years makes it difficult at times to think of it simply from a fans perspective. It often is too much of a hot button topic with me and I want this blog to be a place that relates to my other great love - movies ! Okay maybe I will discuss film scores but other than that...

I will try to have a dvd update every week that includes new releases, reviews and other items of note. I will also feature a classic film that I have re-visited and pontificate on that for awhile also.
This blog will be a work in progress and I might try different things to see what sticks and also based on your feedback what you might like to see.

Thanks for reading & Happy Holidays.